Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Girls Girls Girls

On 2nd day, I focused on groups of people that meeting up at the train station.
I noticed that between girls and boys, there is a different interact to others.

When I was looking at group of girls, when they all meet up first they tend to get close to say hi but right after that they tend to compare each other by looking at what they are wearing. One group of girls that I was focusing on, I think they are on the way to go some party or Nomi-kai, most girls in the group were dressed up casually and only a girl came dressed up. As soon as the girl alive all the girls were bashing her about how she was dressed up and looked kind of pissed at her, and they almost tend to pull her out of group.

But when I was staring at group of guys, they keep their distance from others but are more casual, there is no complication with others.

From the 2nd day I was surprised by the fact of when girls meet together, the initial exchanges are longer than guys

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